Submitted by Dave on July 5, 2013 – 6:00pm

Good morning, says Alan Jans. Good morning, we all response, almost eagerly, awaiting the next words that will come. We will be receiving extra points for our team? Is there a summary of the days events? Will he surprise us all with a clever joke or perhaps a long lost nugget from the PADI treasure trove of instructor development? A tip that he has withheld for the last 10 years? The holy grail of marketing that will cause all dive business within a 100 mile radius to flood your doorway? Perhaps today is the day he has waited for soooo long. He patiently bided his time all these years, perhaps there was no one worthy enough, no one deserving. Many had been close, many shared his passion but alas, had fallen short some small way or another.
Alas, it was but a dream, nothing more. Instructor Development Presentation workshop, which of course was a gem in it’s own right. We paired off again and worked on teaching presentations that we will give later in the week. This was followed up by James giving part 2 of the Marketing pitch. Social media! If you are reading this, then you my friend are our #1 target…Do you want to learn to dive? Do you want to partake of the diving lifestyle? Like a child being lured by candy, be warned. One breath underwater and you may be hooked.
On to lunch at the very lovely Beach Grill with the proverbial perfect Caribbean view. Faithful reader, this is why we dive. This is the picture that launched a thousand vacations. Forget about 6 pack abs and a perfect body, what I am selling today is what all people want. I can take your deposit as soon as I get home. But nothing gold can stay and we soon head back to our conference room. Nothing like a little Risk Management to settle your stomach and remind of what can go wrong.
The rest of the afternoon was spent giving and evaluating classroom presentations. Some Rescue Diver, Divemaster, Project Aware, Advanced and of course the old standby of Open Water. Needless to say, we rocked it!