Complete Your Medical
Medical FormInstructions:
Please look over the Medical while reading this- it can be confusing. There are some cases where you need to see a doctor BEFORE class starts and some where you do not.
If you answer NO to ALL 10 questions on page 1 you are good to go, you do NOT need to see a doctor or look at pages 2-3.
If you answer to YES to questions 3, 5, OR 10-you will need to get a doctor’s permission, doesn’t matter what you have, any YES here means you need permission. See the section below-“If you need permission from a doctor…”
If you answer YES to any other questions, proceed to the corresponding follow up questions on page 2. We need more details. If you answer NO to ALL the follow up questions, again you are good to go, no need to see a doctor. If you answer YES to ANY of the follow up questions, you WILL need to see a doctor.
If you need permission from a doctor, they need to sign off on page 3 PRIOR to the START of the class and bring that with you to class. Call your doctor and let them know what you are doing and what the issue is. Sometimes you can simply drop off the paperwork, they sign it, and you pick it up a few days later.
We cannot stress enough, if the form says you need to have a doctor’s permission and you do not bring that to class, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO GET IN THE WATER!!