June 8-10 and September 21-23
The kelp forests of Southern California have long been a Utah diver’s playground. Only a 10 hour drive or 1.5 hour flight, Southern California’s waters abound with life. Located less than 26 miles offshore from Los Angeles is Catalina Island.
Catalina Island is one of the Channel Islands and is the only one with a permanent population. Avalon is a picturesque town that is the main stop when visiting Catalina. You can shore dive Casino Point Marine Park or take a boat to visit more sites around the island.
We will meet Friday morning September 9 at 9am at the Catalina Express Boat terminal in Long Beach on the mainland. Our shuttle will deliver us to the island and then to the hotel by noon. After a quick lunch we will spend the afternoon shore diving in the Marine Park. Saturday we will make up to 3 dives in the Marine Park plus a night dive. For an extra charge, you can head out on the “King Neptune” for 3 boat dives. Sunday we depart Catalina at noon.
$299* for June and $315* for September includes roundtrip Catalina Express, 2 night lodging, tanks and weights for shore diving with an extra air fill. Saturday on the King Neptune is an extra $134 and includes continental breakfast and lunch. You need to make your own arrangements to arrive in Long Beach.